Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Big Day Cometh

We are in the month of First Seed, the month for of the launch of the game. Just a few short weeks until launch and day by day I'm getting more excited.

We should have one more beta weekend this weekend that I'm hoping to use to nail down the final details of my character. I have settled on Dark Elf sorcerer, resto staff with destro staff weapon swap. As shown in my last post his motivation for joining the Daggerfall Covenant is that he doesn't believe in the views of his people and has no sense of attachment to his homeland or its decision to side with the Argonians. I look forward to seeing how this fleshes out with the main story. I would really like to update this blog at the end of my play sessions with story updates on him to see how everything meshes.

Further to this blog I have a livestream on twitch and a YouTube channel that I'll be uploading videos to. I'm really hoping to get more involved with this game and it's community via these mediums and to just have some fun. I'm working on being a more regular contributor to the community as a whole and I can't wait until launch day.

Well that's it for today. See you all on the world of Nirn

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